Looking at my beginning research and thinking very carefully about my model, i have decided to photograph my friend Alice, who I know is very photogenic and is exactly what I am looking for.
Most of these photos will come across in my second photo shoot after I am able to see what Alice is capable of.
I would like to take two different types of photographs. One set will be close ups of the model from the waist up. These photographs will be reliant on the eyes of the model and the facial expression.
The other set of photographs will be full body photographs which will allow me to capture the models complete fashion. The first set of photographs i will do my research on is the close ups. Within this, i will also reveal what props etc i want my model to have.
The photo on the left, displays the type of hair i would like Alice to have. Backcombing will enable me to get Alice's hair quite big and bold. However, I need to ensure that this type of hair suits Alice. I believe having hair like this gives the model a certain attitude and this is the attitude I would like my model to adopt. In my photos I will try out different styles and images on Alice to see which works best in order to discover a look that will capture the 'Indie' style as well as connecting with my research.
Here, is a famous music artist Robyn. I choose this photo because although I do not like the fashion style here, I like the idea of using bubble gum in some of my photographs. This is one idea that i would like to try out during the whole process but I think I will do it in my second set of photographs as I want to start by taking basic photographs and then go into specific ones. My first selection of photo graphs will let me discover what Alice is capable of as a model and allow me to see how comfortable she is in front of the camera. Due to her past experience, I hope to find her confident and comfortable.
The next photo, again is not exactly the style or look I am wanting to adopt. However, it is similar and from this photo, I want to see how my model looks wearing geek glasses as I see them as alternative look. Like the previous photo, I will try this idea out on my second photo shoot when I start my more specific collection of photographs which will hopefully develop to look rather like the one below.
Looking into geek glasses and facial expressions further, i believe this is a very effective photograph that can relate more to Alice, my model. The facial expression is very intriguing and sensual. I want to promote this look on the front of my music magazine as to me, it comes across as quite an 'indie-rock' attitude. In hope that Alice is able to pull off this look, I will work towards ensuring I can capture her inner rock attitude.
This final photo, I believe, sums up everything that I am looking for. Through this model, I believe promoted is an sensual yet mysterious feel which from my front cover research, I have discovered is very effective for a cover shot. The hair is very similar to Alice's and therefore, I will try and base my close up photos like this. Although this photograph has no props in it, I believe this is the type of photograph I will settle for as I think it would be an extremely catching and effective front cover image.
I believe the further photo research on close ups is very beneficial to my magazine cover. However, I would also like to research more into the body of a model as I believe clothing helps to promote certain styles. This type of photo may be more effective for my cover then the close up. If not, then i could use them on my double page spread.
The photo here, promotes the type of fashion i want. I think the shirt and high skirt would suit Alice a lot and therefore, I will definitely try to recreate this image. However, I would like to make my photograph more wintery by putting high socks or tights on my model. As well as this, I realise that Alice has a different skin and hair colour to this model so therefore, I will try and relate it to her by finding colours that will suit her. Also, getting Alice to try out different body poses and clothing will enable me to capture the best possible photo.
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